Safe in Port in 2021
Flag For Portland was founded with the intention developing a formal process to design a new flag for the city of Portland, Maine. Although we made some modest in-roads raising the idea with various political, civic, and business groups, the events of 2020 have made it clear that these organizations will have their attention and resources focused our community’s recovery from the pandemic for the foreseeable future.
So in 2021 we will shift our focus to “Plan B”, if you will. We have created a flag design that we believe better represents the spirit and energy of our city than the current “official” flag. We call it the “Safe in Port” flag, and would be honored if you chose to fly it.
The Safe in Port Flag for Portland, Maine
The full inspiration for the design can be found here, but the simple meaning is that Portland has been, and continues to be a safe place for anyone to drop anchor and ride out a storm.
This design is gifted to the people of Portland. It is public domain and will not be subject to copywrite. In fact, we hope any and all flag makers, artists, or creative folks make use of this design as they see fit (contact us for a high-res version). Our dream is to see this design flying on flag poles, stuck on bumper stickers, and incorporated into the symbolism of our city, whether or not it is ever formally adopted as the city flag.