You know Portland already has a flag, right?

Yes, we are aware, but it is at best a bland, non-descript design, and at worst, objectively bad.

art is subjective isn’t it, how can you call it objectively bad?

Admittedly, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. However, the good folks at the North American Vexillology Association (Vexillology: the study of flags) have put together a great, and surprisingly readable pamphlet outlining how to create a good flag.

Let’s look at how the current Portland flag matches up with their Five Basic Principles of Flag Design:

Come on, You’re claiming Portland’s flag isn’t “good” Just because it doesn’t meet some checklist of rules?

No, of course not. Some great flags violate a few (though likely not most) of NAVA’s design principles. However, the real proof in the pudding. If a flag is well designed, it is embraced and actively flown. Aside from on a few municipal buildings around town, you almost never see Portland’s flag in use, and many people don’t even know we have a flag.

So what’s your great idea for a replacement flag then?

Well, we’re so glad you asked. We are proposing the Safe in Port Flag shown below. You can learn about the inspiration and meaning of the design on our Safe in Port page.

Safe in Port Flag.jpg

However, since this is merely our suggestion for the flag, we’d love to see if you have a concept, image, or cocktail napkin sketch that you’d like to put out there, send it our way and maybe we’ll feature it on the site.

Ok, I’m intrigued, how do I get involved?

You can follow us on Twitter, facebook, or Instagram, or sign up for email updates and we will add you to our email list (we promise, we won’t send out frequent emails or sell your info). You can always send us a direct message as well at our contact page. If those creative jucies are flowing, feel free to submit your own design idea for the flag and maybe we’ll feature it on the website.