The Story of Our Seal

Please note: Our effort is centered around changing the flag of Portland, but not the city seal. Portland’s seal is chock-full of symbolism and details related to the history of one of America’s early, great port cities.

We believe there are many places where the use of the seal is appropriate, such as on official documents, the side of city vehicles, or decorating council chambers, just not on a flapping flag meant to be viewed from distance.

However, if we’re being honest, you have to admit the imagery is a little befuddling, and no one is quite sure where it came from… until now. While researching the history of the flag, we came across this amazing transcription of the origin of our city seal, which we present below.

Seal of Portland.gif

Scene: Portland's Council of Elders barge into Ye Olde Grafik Design Shoppe, rousing the proprietor from his slumber

Mayor: You there, we wish to commission a seal for our fine city.

Shopkeeper: Yes! Of course. It would be an honor. What should it look like?

Mayor: Well, it should feature a ship and anchor, obviously... but that seems a bit sparse... We have had a lot of fires, so how about a Phoenix. You do know the famous mythological winged beast, right?

Shopkeeper: {Pausing briefly} Certainly, I'll draw that creature, which definitely has wings… and a beak... {Waits for nods}… perched on the anchor.

Mayor: Excellent. Also, please add some sea life. How about dolphins, I hear they are friend to the sailor.

Shopkeeper: Err, doll-fins?... yes, yes, I see it now, wriggling, snaky sea monsters.

Mayor: Wait, what? Monsters? You are not so philistine that you don't know what a dolphin is, are you?

Shopkeeper: OOOOOOHHHH, you said "dolphin," I thought you said, uh "craken". Sure, sure, I'll add some lovely dolphins in there.

Mayor: Excellent. We in a hurry to throw this on a flag, I've already picked out a lovely shade of blue that matches every other flag in existence, can you have this done by... this afternoon.

Shopkeeper: {Glances at otherwise blank schedule} We should be able to fit it in, however, we do require that you pay up front {Voice drops to a whisper}… and no refunds.

 End Scene